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Words keep running
Running to my lady
Tell her all and more
What else there may be
Sounds keep falling
Falling on my lover
Play her all and more
That's to discover
I can go and express
How your love is fulfilling
It's what I believe in
Searching hard doing best
To get close to this feeling
To give it full meaning
When it comes to you
What do I have to define
What you are to me
Your love's so fine
Every day I am with you
Inspires new rhyme
So I go line after line
Words keep running
Running to my lady
Tell her all and more
What else there may be
Sounds keep falling
Falling on my lover
Play her all and more
That's to discover
Set on you set on love
It's the best I'm demanding
That is my standing
Searching heavens above
Step by step I'm ascending
A trip never ending
In the heat of the heart
I can hear your true names
So I can call you a million ways
And I do with the right words
To put you in flames
Playing your favorite refrains
Words keep running
Running to my lady
Tell her all and more
What else there may be
Sounds keep falling
Falling on my lover
Play her all and more
That's to discover
Words keep running run
Words keep running run
Tell her she's the one
Sounds keep falling fall
Sounds keep falling fall
At my beck and call
Words keep running run
Words keep running run
Bring her games and fun
Sounds keep falling fall
Sounds keep falling fall
And that's not all
Words can flatter and bring caress
But I want the best of it nothing less
Sounds can sweeten and feel like sway
But it must be done in a special way
Say it right and play it nice
How else to make some paradise
Bring it all it's my call
Words keep running
Sounds keep falling fall
Words keep running
Running to my lady
Tell her all and more
What else there may be
Sounds keep falling
Falling on my lover
Play her all and more
That's to discover
Words keep running run
Sounds keep falling fall
Words keep running run
Sounds keep falling fall
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